KTZ passenger portal
Buy train tickets without commission

Dear site user, in this section it is possible to return a seat on an unused electronic ticket only for a period of less than 1 hour before the departure of a passenger train from its formation station (initial station) and before the departure of the train from the station indicated in the electronic ticket. We recommend making an early refund of tickets through the point of purchase of an electronic ticket.

Here you can get a copy ofa tciket purchased before

Участвуйте в опросах!

Пройти опрос можно по ссылке - ссылка


The discount card applies to the following For
all trainsJSC "Passazhirskiye perevozki"

Category of people - From 15 years and older

Amount of discount - 25%

Cost, tenge - 19.999

Validity - 1 year from activation

АО "Пассажирские перевозки"

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